Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week One (Natalie)

For my project, I am working with horses (surprise). My supervisor, Tammy Cagno (Head-trainer and manager of Ridgewood Stables), has been my trainer for the past 11 years and has 40 years of experience as a professional. I chose to work with her so that I could gain a better understanding of the "behind the scenes work" of the horse business.

On Tuesday, we worked with a local vet, Connie. I held horses for her while she gave them their strangles vaccinations. Connie explained that stangles is a highly contagious bacterial infection that affects the horses' lymph nodes. It causes them to swell and abscess. The horses get vaccinated once a year. The vet shoots a milky liquid up their nose and it coats their sinuses. This vaccine prevents or minimizes symptoms of horses exposed to the bacteria.

On Thursday, we took 4 horses to a horse show at Chagrin Valley Farms where Doc M. came to check out my progress. He was able to meet my horses, Kip and Jasper, and watch me show them. I showed them in the Junior Jumpers at 1.2 meters (4'). It went pretty well; Jasper ended up winning the class while Kip had some difficulties with the liver pool (blue tarp-like object put under jumpers. It draws their eyes down and a lot of horses are scared to jump them). The rest of the horse show went pretty well and Kip conquered his fear of the water jump.

This week was pretty fun and I look forward to next week. On Wednesday, we will travel to Lexington, Kentucky for a two week horse show.


  1. Natalie, that's so cool that you get to work with horses all day! I would have freaked out though if I had to hold horses while they got vaccinations; I'd be too nervous. Congratulations on your show last Thursday, I am so jealous that you are going to be in Kentucky for two weeks--have fun and good luck!!

  2. Awwww I loved the pics Doc M posted of you and your horses! Congrats on Jasper winning his class and I hope that Kip will continue to conquer his fear for Kentucky. Have fun while you are there and lots of luck.
