Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week 3!

Hi! We had another fun week with Mrs. Hermann! For a large portion of the week, we worked on different aspects of a proposal for an event Mrs. Hermann is bidding on. I spent a few days working on a photo collage of Ghostlight Productions pictures to be used as the cover art of the proposal. This entailed sorting through over a thousand pictures to find a select few to use on the collage, and then learning how to use photoshop (thanks to Ellen Krantz) and piecing everything together. It was a lengthy process, but I'm happy with the final product! (I posted it here for you all to see.) While I was working on that, Elizabeth finalized some of the written parts of the proposal, and Mrs. Hermann worked on the cover letter. It was fun to see what is needed in order to put together a proposal! We also took many trips to Home Depot in order to pick out flowers for an office party downtown that Mrs. Hermann is planning for a friend. Mrs. Hermann also got me a poppy because I thought it was so pretty, but I guess I am not very good with plants because it already died. :( Today we are cooking! I am so excited. Hope everyone is having a great project!!

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