Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Reflections of Cleveland in a Library Archive

Right before our mid-project gathering, I zipped down to CSU through the pouring rain to visit Maya in her lair.  I found her in a room that was spacious, but surrounded by shelves piled high with mysterious, old-looking boxes filled with material awaiting attention.  Maya had one file of pictures at her fingertips that she was working on.  The first one I looked at, I immediately recognized.  It was Johnny Weismuller (of Tarzan fame), in his swimming trunks.  He was at his youthful most handsome!  So what is Maya doing spending her days pretending to do research while gazing at hunks from the past?  Just kidding, she actually IS doing research.  The pictures are from Cleveland's past - in this case, the great exhibition of 1936-37.  Maya's job is to fill in the details and tell us this part of Cleveland's story, as revealed in the pictures.  This means she has to identify unfamiliar faces and places.  This requires some creativity and dogged pursuit of leads that may not pan out.  It's tough work, but rewarding.  It's fun to see what some familiar places looked like back then.  Do you know what was on the site of the present Great Lakes Science Center 75 years ago?  Maya does.

I've enjoyed both of my advisee site visits this year.  Thanks, Maya and Natalie!   When your advisor comes to visit you, let him know what makes your project special for YOU.

Doc M.

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