Thursday, May 13, 2010

Week 2 (by Maya)

Hi everybody!

Some updates on what I've been doing...

...Last week, as I told you, I was scanning ("digitizing") photographs of the Great Lakes Exposition (1936-37). I have finished that up already.

So, Tuesday of this week (Monday I had 2 AP exams, ughhh) the lady in charge of categorizing online archives (which is called "metadata") showed me the procedure for putting the photographs up on the Cleveland Memory Project's online photo archive. There is a special program which shows me the fields I have to fill in for each of the photographs (the fields are just things like "Title", "Description", "Subject", "Time Period", etc.). The "Subject" field is pretty important, because this is what enables somebody to find the photo on the website. For instance, if I put the word "Automobile" in a picture's Subject field, whenever somebody types the word "automobile" on Cleveland Memory's website, that photo (along with any other photos with "Automobile" in the Subject field) will show up.

The thing that is sometimes challenging is filling in the Title and Description for each photo, since I have to know exactly what is going on in that photo before I can write a description of it. ...Which is why a lot of my time so far has been spent doing research all on the Great Lakes Exposition. I've been reading books & online articles and comparing the photos I am working with to the already labeled Cleveland Press photos that the Special Collections department in the library has.

I've definitely never been a history buff, but I have to admit the "old photograph" smell makes me kind of happy. (:
Also, three of the photographs that I've digitized and written descriptions for are already up online! Here's the link:
And there are many more photos that will be up soon!

Hope everyone's been having fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Maya, I just looked at those pictures and they are really good; I'm sure you get to see a lot of great photographs. A lot of the work that most projects are doing includes a lot of "busy work" but I think everyone's realizing that it leads to something bigger. In your case you get a chance to help out students and people who write papers and also get a great opportunity to learn more about our geographical region which I wish I knew more about. I'm sure you are also picking up on some more great research skills (like all those research papers in High School were'nt enough, ha). I hope your AP exams went well!
