Thursday, May 20, 2010

Week 3 (by Maya)

Hi everybody! It was great seeing you guys & hearing about your projects on Tuesday.

During week 3 of my project, it's pretty much been same old, same old at the library (well, I've found out a lot of new details about the Great Lakes Exposition & I've finished up writing descriptions for a lot more photographs, but there aren't exactly radical new adventures to tell you about). =]

What's cool is that now there are 34 photos which I've written descriptions for up on Cleveland Memory's website! Here's the link again (the same one as last time):
There are cool photos there, and some of them are pretty funny (260 pound ballerinas anybody?!?); some are cute (penguins! ^_^).

So far, I've been working on the photos that are relatively easy to identify and left the more difficult ones for last. Now it's getting harder to write descriptions for the photos because I can't always be sure what is going on in them. For example, there is one photo that I have to identify (not up on the website yet because I'm not finished with it) which is a picture of what looks like a hotel lobby. There are lots of armchairs, sofas, and coffee tables, but it's not really possible to identify what this place is! So what am I going to do when it comes to writing the description for that one (and other photos that are similarly confusing)? I don't know yet--be back next week for the full juicy details! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Its so cool that the descriptions you wrote are actually on the Cleveland Memory Website. It sounds very difficult to identify the pictures. Good Luck and I can't wait to hear about your final week!
