Thursday, May 20, 2010

Margo Uhrman (Week 2)

I only spent a few days this week at Rainbows and spent most of the time on the Outdoor Leadership trip. For the spring trip, we canoed on the Allegheny River in Pennsylvania and traveled over 110 miles (I forget the exact number) in five days. The trip was a lot of fun but unfortunately a stomach flu spread within the group and 17 / 18 of us showed flu symptoms and 12 / 18 puked. It was not exactly what you call the best conditions for a last OL trip but all in all, I had a good time.

When I was at Rainbows this week, it was very similar to my first week there. I spend most of my time playing with kids in the activity room and the last two days have been incredibly busy. There have been at least two or three kids in the room at all times which is a lot of fun but I’m tired by the time I leave. There was a very cute three year old girl who played kitchen with me and she loved to “make” strawberry juice and pizza to serve to me and the other kids in the room.

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