Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week 4 (by Maya)

Hi everybody. I'm not sure if we're still supposed to keep posting blogs every week now that we've had our midproject meeting? But, heck, I might as well...

So by Week 4 I'm feeling distinctly fed up with the library, especially now that it's super sunny and 80 degrees outside every day (I'd much rather sunbathe!, though that in itself might also be a bad idea because I am also distinctly pale...). Anyways:

I'm getting down to the last couple of photographs now. There's this one photo that's really making me annoyed. It shows 6 people sitting at a desk, signing a contract. What's making me annoyed is that I know exactly what is going on in the photo & have identified 5 of the 6 people with reasonable accuracy, but I can't figure out who the 6th guy is!! Ugh. If I don't figure out the 6th guy's identity soon, I'll just identify the people that I can & mention in the caption that the 6th guy is unidentified...

For those random pictures that only show a room with chairs and sofas, I just had to caption them as "A room with chairs and sofas, possibly the interior of a hotel, at the Great Lakes Exposition" and then just gave a bit of background on the Exposition in the description field, since that was really the best I could do.

Usually there are lots of people around in Special Collections, since lots of undergrads and grad students work here, but it seems to be nearly empty this week (perhaps they are all sunbathing?), so there isn't even anybody much to talk to around here, which definitely adds to my boredom with the library... So overall I've enjoyed my senior project & the topic of my senior project, but I will definitely not feel sad to leave once it's over!

Hope everybody's having a good time! & See ya soon! :)

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