Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 2 Eric

Alright. For the record, Nate will be posting this week's stuff, and I will comment on it (this is mostly for Doc. M's reading). Nate told me he had posted, but maybe he clicked save instead of publish. Therefore, I won't waste my time or yours potentially re-writing what Nate said, but just wait until tomorrow morning and ask him to please re-post. I am just posting this to say that we were on top of posting for this week, until now, and that I hope it's not a big deal that we post tomorrow instead of today. Anyway, a quick overview of this week, just for kicks. This week the ride that sticks out most in my mind is that of the South Chagrin Reservation portion of the Metroparks. It was awesome. First of all, the ride was moderately challenging, most of that challenge (from my point of view) coming from the numerous steep hills that we had to ascend, and therefore more difficultly descend. Also, we found a bunch of tiny branching trails that were much more technically challenging than the main ones, and went on those as often as we could. Those were great for working on my aforementioned balance issues, and were also more rugged (basically I felt more manly for going on them, so it was an added bonus in my mind). Also, what we didn't realize before starting the project is that mountain biking provides some awesome scenery. In the Metroparks, the Chagrin River does some cool things. There were numerous waterfalls, and a bunch of miniature ravines in which the rock formations just plain looked really cool. So the aesthetic aspect of our project has been noted, and we plan to pay more attention to meaningless details such as those as we continue our biking extravaganza (okay, they're not totally meaningless, and so although they don't technically have anything to do with our project, we shall mention them anyway, cause some of those things are simply awesome). Anywho, that is all for now, and more to come later. Hoorah!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you and Nate are having a lot of fun! I'm very jealous that you get to spend so much time outdoors and wish that I had the opportunity to see such really cool sights in Cleveland.
