Thursday, May 6, 2010

Home on the reins

I probably set some kind of record for the quickest site visit by an advisor by going out to see Natalie on project today, four days into senior project.  It was a beautiful afternoon to see her riding in a show (aka competition) at Chagrin Valley Farms outside Chagrin Falls.  It was a while before her turn on the course, so I had a good chance to meet two of her six (!) horses, Kip, in both pictures, and Jasper.  They were both super-friendly...either that, or super-hopeful that I had food!  Oh yeah, the other living thing in the pictures is Natalie!

The competition I got to see was jumping.  First, though, I got to walk the course, sort of like a golfer checking out a fairway.  The riders stride from one jump to the next, then translate that into the number of horse strides it should be.  OK, smarties - how many Natalie strides equals one Kip stride?  Anyway, I hung around long enough to see Natalie ride Kip through the course.  Imagine riding a half-ton behemoth as it (he) flies through the air.  Fun to watch, but I won't be doing that any time soon.  Natalie, I want to hear how that feels.  NatKip made all their jumps but one - no rails knocked over, and just one refusal.  A refusal is just what it sounds like - the horse rides up to the jump and says, uh, No.  But they went around and made the jump on a second try.  Good job!   I was going to make a video, or at least take some pictures, but my camera batteries had a refusal of their own.  Drat.  Did you know that horses wear shin guards during the jumping competition?  I had to leave before Nat rode Jasper later in the competition, but I'm sure she'll fill us in on how it went.

I had a lot of fun on my site visit.  This duty is the reward for being an SP advisor.  Thanks, Nat!  Enjoy the rest of your project.

Doc M.

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