Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 1 (Amanda)

So for my first post I figured I'd explain a bit what I am doing.  For my project I'm working with the Cleveland Cavaliers in the ticket sales department. Most people when they hear CAVS they think Lebron James, Mo Williams, Danny Ferry ect. but there is a lot more that goes on behind the court that most people aren't really aware of which is what I am helping out with.

So somewhere in the Q in the mix of the court and the 20,562 seats there are offices that deal with selling tickets, planning the game events, and attracting more fans. I'm helping out my sponsor CJ Marshall and the ticket sales department that she works in with their projects that they are working. So far I have been doing a lot of the back-work that makes their projects possible such as the 3.0 club (a discount that some schools offer to their students for good grades, attendance records, or other good deeds), boy-scout events (boy-scouts are rewarded with discounted CAVS tickets if they sell a certain amount of popcorn), and more group events.  I have been helping out in various different ways including making phone calls, sending out mailings, inputing information into data basing, confirming addresses for schools, and passing out tickets to CAVS events.

Next week I will be helping out the division in more of the same ways but I will get an opportunity to work with Game Operations on Tuesday during Game 5 and I will also get the opportunity to help out the Lake Erie Monsters.  So far, I love it! It's a blast to work with everyone at the CAVS--everyone is extremely nice and helpful. A lot of times different divisions help each other out especially when there is a big mailing or a lot of data-basing to be done. Even though I have paper-cuts from stuffing envelopes with boy-scout letters I know that these mailings that get sent out generate a lot of response and revenue for the CAVS and are necessary for these events to happen. The fan response is so encouraging--one lady even hugged a CAVS intern when she received free watch party tickets-- it's more than just a game to many, but it provides a way for our whole city to join together and support one team.

p.s. Some more great things I forgot to mention: the first Friday of every month is cake day so we celebrated the May birthdays last Friday with cake only we were all too stuffed because we went to Hard Rock Cafe (as a goodbye to the interns who left Friday) courtesy of the Cleveland Cavilers and I found out Thursday that I get employee discount at the CAVS store, so you might want to buy some stock there =)

Let's go CAVS!


  1. That's so awesome! I've heard of some of those things around the office like the 3.0 club. I didn't know whose was working on it/ setting it up, that's really cool that your doing that. And I completely agree with your first paragraph!
    Hopefully I'll see you around the office some more,
    Zack Lawrence

  2. Thats really awesome that all of those things go one behind the scene. The boy scout discounts and 3.0 club sounds like really good ideas to bring in revenue for the CAVS (even if they're letting us down!).

    Have fun! Hopefully the Cavs can turn this series around...
