Monday, May 24, 2010

Margo Uhrman (Week 3)

I have had a very good third week at Rainbows. All of my days are pretty similar but on Friday two magicians came and performed a show in the Activity Center. I had to help set up for the show then bring kids in from both my floor and two other floors to watch the show. The magicians were really funny and the kids loved helping with the tricks. One six year old boy was especially amazed with the coin disappearance tricks and the show inspired another boy to show me the card tricks he knows. After the show, I helped clean up and brought the kids back to their rooms.
Today, I spent most of the morning playing Mario Karts with an eight year old boy. He kept making fun of me because my skill level was not up to par with his. This afternoon, I played with trucks with a three year old boy.
It has been a great week and I’m excited for Mr. Weiskopf to come visit me tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Margo, I am sorry to hear about how sick everyone got on the OL trip! I hope you weren't one of them, but I am glad you had a good time. You probably have one of the best projects out there, it sounds like so much fun at Rainbows-I wish we could have a magician come down here sometimes, but it's really great that the hospital can find ways to brighten up these children. I am sure they are thrilled and suprized each day! I especially think it was really cute when that boy decided to show you his own magic tricks haha, did the trick actuley work? I hope you continue to have fun at Rainbows, don't worry I am awful at video games too :)
